Klik Sales to Attend AdCon 2019

We are excited to announce that Klik Sales will be attending the Amazon AdCon advertising event on October 2-3, 2019. This conference will be a fantastic opportunity to improve our Amazon advertising skills.  It will be a benefit not only to us, but to all of our manufacturer partners for whom we manage Amazon advertising campaigns.

What will we learn from this conference?

  • Amazon keynote speakers will present new features to improve our ad strategies 
  • The Amazon Advertising team will discuss brands and business growth opportunities
  • The Amazon leadership will host a Q&A session where we can get all of our questions answered

If you have any questions you would like us to ask for you, please send them to Greg Horn at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!

Who is Klik Sales?

Klik Sales is a leading manufacturer's rep for Internet and Web Retailers with over 15 years of internet and e-commerce experience. Klik has established partnerships with the leading online retailers in the US including Amazon, Wayfair, and others.